Lang yi hao sex enhancement extracted from all natural herbal materials, no side effect, no depnedence.
It is aims to improving male sexual function, and a high quality male energy supplement.
Lang yi hao sex enhancement do not contain any hormone medicine or any forbidden medicine, miraculously and effectively solve male short and small penis problem, and females hard to reach the climax of sex.
Lang yi hao sex enhancement can rapidly supplement male energy, no fatigue, totally overcome the dysfunction of erection and weak sex function. One capsule can last effect for 72 hours! !
1) Helps men achieve harder erections.
2) Helps men maintain an erection during sex intercourse.
3) Works fast in 30 minutes and last up to 72 hrs.
4) Natural herbs, free of toxicity and side-effects, no harm to body.
Usage and dosage: Take 1 capsule 1-2 hours before sex intercourse with warm water.
1. People suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure should
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